This is the first of several spars - mast, boom, and yard. I start with a long straight piece of Douglas Fir with a tapered square cross section, and mark lines to turn it into an octogon cross section.
A hand held power planer was used to take off the corners to form the octogon, Then each of the eight corners is removed to make it 16-sided. Then once more to get 32-sided.
A lot of sanding is needed to get the edges rounded off and form the long round tapered spar. I used a set of cardboard tubes with finer and finer grits of sandpaper to round it off.
The completed spars are finished with a two step marine oil called Dejks Olje.
Prepping to piant the inside of the hull. The lower part has been coated with penetrating epoxy.
Putting on marine primer - very toxic smelling stuff!
The view after painting with "sand" colored marine paint from George Kirby Jr Paint - producing marine paint since 1846 in Massachussetts.
Starting on the mast
I installed a sheave at the top of the mast to allow hoisting the sail with ease.
The boat name after painting. Rosina is my great-great-great Grandmother who came from Germany at the age of 16 in teh 1840s. She had 14 children and must have been a very hardy woman. I'm not sure she ever sailed - other than one long voyage across the Atlantic.
Lacing leathers onto boom where it contacts the mast.
The hull is almost finished ...
The pivoting rudder is nearing completion. This took a long time to create - 11 separate pieces of plywood, lots of shaping, many holes to drill, and a precise slot to insert the tiller. Two lines will allow me to raise and lower the blade from within the boat.