Judy's Work Current Position:
In my role at the Federation I am responsible
for ensuring the Federation's vision of building a vibrant, cohesive, and
inclusive Jewish community. The role taps my ability to identify assets,
diagnose dysfunctions, engineer solutions, ensure effective organizational
dynamics, and ignite forward momentum toward desired goals. My role includes
engaging all St. Paul Jewish agencies, institutions and synagogues in
developing and implementing the Community Plan and its Five Priorities:
Create a Warm, Welcoming Connections, Inspire Giving, Engage the Next
Generation, Strengthen Jewish Education, and Enhance Cooperation between St.
Paul and Minneapolis. I facilitate and guide the implementation of the
community planning process and outcomes and ensure the process meets timeline
goals. I also form, staff, and drive implementation committees for each
community-planning outcome. My job is to engage and motivate stakeholders,
inspire panel members, and recognize accomplishments. It includes
coordinating among Federation volunteer leadership, professional staff, local
agencies, and synagogues. Click here for more information about the Jewish
Federation of Greater St. Paul: https://jewishstpaul.org/
I have also maintained by
credentials as a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer which enables me to
continue providing nonprofit board governance training to nonprofits. Previously: I was a Community Impact
Associate at the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. I was responsible for
ensuring the Federation's vision of a dynamic and caring Jewish community now
and into the future through working with partner agencies, such as the Jewish
Family and Children’s Services of Minneapolis and the Minneapolis Jewish
Community Center, to achieve powerful impact. The role involved researching
and analyzing trends, best practices, and new initiatives. It also entailed staffing
designated fund committees, including managing funding requests and
allocations processes for maximum efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment
with Federation, designated fund and community priorities. In the role, I
identified and implemented improvements to funding policies and procedures
and stewarded relations with and served as liaison to local Jewish agencies
and synagogues. Click here for more information about the Minneapolis Jewish
Federation Minneapolis Jewish
I worked as the Manager of
Board & Volunteer Services for MAP for Nonprofits (Now “Propel
Nonprofits). MAP/Propel is a 'management service' organization, which means
it provides services and consulting to other nonprofits. Unlike other
providers, it is a nonprofit. MAP stood for the Management Assistance
Program. My job entailed managing the well-known board matching program, Best
on Board, which linked people interested in serving on nonprofits boards with
nonprofits looking for qualified and committed board members. In addition to
that part of my work, I also helped nonprofit boards become more effective
through delivery of public and custom training sessions. I love the work I did a
MAP. I got to see passionate people creating change and striving to improve
critical areas of our society. By working with organizations like the
Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society, the Minnesota Environmental Initiative,
The Hemophilia Foundation of Minnesota & the Dakotas, The History
Theater, etc. I also learned a heck of a lot about a lot of things! My Books I continue to be known
nationally for my expertise in Nonprofit Life Stages and Focus Groups via my
books. Through the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation in St. Paul, (the publishing
arm which spun off and became Fieldstone Alliance), I published two books:
The 5 Life Stages of Nonprofit Organizations: Where You Are, Where You're
Going, and What to Expect When You Get There and The Wilder Nonprofit Field
Guide to Conducting Successful Focus Groups. Both books have sold well over
5,000 copies.
Life Stages of Nonprofit Organizations
Successful Focus Groups Resume: Return to Simon
Family Home Page Updated 08DEC2017 CHS